TKNS Strategy
Looking at our long journey we can validate that the DNA of TKNS COMPANIES has been developing disruptive businesses from the very beginning. The cutting-edge strategy has been to create and manage innovative businesses, anticipating the evolution of markets, with the introduction of new creative solutions supported by emerging technologies.
This has allowed the group of companies to evolve and renew permanently following new cycles of innovation and creating new business initiatives and once they reach maturing states, selling them to other companies or corporations.
TKNS Companies timeline

2015 +
Starting in 2010, the consulting activities are focused on new ventures and disruptive businesses of the new digital world through the company TKNS INVERSIONES SpA and the company ISONA GESTIÓN SpA, also of the group, transforming the latter at the end of 2018 into the company WETFOREST SpA and entrepreneurs Edgar Witt and Drago Eterovic joining as partners.
WETFOREST SpA is created as a disruptive consultancy with the aim of helping to build, structure and transform companies intimes of great changes, contributing the great experience of its partners in creating, managing and developing innovative businesses, anticipating the evolution of markets, with the introduction of new creative solutions supported by emerging technologies.

2014 +
As of 2014, TKNS INVERSIONES SpA, having closed a cycle as a holding company of operating companies of the group, takes on the mission of a Venture Capital company to invest in new ventures. With the creation of WETFOREST his consulting arm allows to explore new ventures or initiatives with potential for development and growth, interesting to support with investment, beyond the management support of the consultant company, acting as Venture and Company Builder.

2010 +
In 2010, the company KRINEA was transformed into a SpA company, concentrating and focusing on the management and development of the group’s real estate businesses.

In 2006, the company Krinea Consultoría S.A. is created for supply of Management Assistance Services in Telecommunications, Information Technology, Printing and Photocopying, to allow larger companies and corporations to maximize economies and service grade.
The company develops important contracts, achieving enormous benefits through economies acomplished by better administration and cost control, contract negotiation and administration with its suppliers. In 2010 this operation is integrated into TKNS.

Aquacom acquired, company with extensive experience in providing business solutions based on information technologies. Aquacom’s operation integrates into Teknos’ operation enhancing the scope of its solutions in the broadest spectrum.

In 2000 is signed the Mitsubishi – Teknos agreement to work as consortium, focusing on business opportunities in the field of telecommunications in Chile.
Through this Consortium Teknos’ offer is strengthened to deliver complete solutions including a wide product spectrum (hardware and software), Services (Integration Services, Installation, Maintenance, etc.) Logistics and Financing in the field of communications and information technologies in the Region. Under this consortium important Telecommunication projects are implanted in Chile.
Also under this agreement several exploratory projects are developed in the Regional Market, to identify opportunities in other Latin American countries as Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, etc.

TEMPUS LEASING S.A.: Leasing of communication equipment
Tempus Leasing S.A. is created in 1991 for offering Leasing financing of Communication and Office Automation Systems to medium and small companies (Micro leasing) in a period the finance market did not have this kind of offer.
In 1995, 100% of the leasing portfolio is sold to Banks and Leasing Institutions which had begun to offer this product on the market. Experience gained in this profitable finance business
empowers later on other finance businesses of higher integrated amounts like outsourcing services and managed services offered by different companies of the Group.

1982- 2000
QUANTA S.A.: Photocopying services, document handling and office automation
Quanta S.A. starts operations in 1982 marketing photocopying equipment and services, document handling and office automation on a market opening to competition and strongly led at that time by Xerox. Initially working with the Konica brand photocopiers, and starting 1984, with the Panasonic line manufactured by the Matsushita Group of Japan.
In 2000 Quanta S.A. company is sold to Mellafe y Salas Ltda.

TEKNOS-OKI: Exclusive distribution of Oki – Okidata printers
With market introduction of personal computers, in 1982 the Business Division Teknos-Okidata is created for marketing of Okidata printers manufactured by OKI of Japan.
Teknos-Okidata develops an important network for distribution and after sale technical support, achieving a leadership in dot matrix technology, with high participation and excellent image on the market.
In 1999 this division is sold to Datanet S.A. company.

INSTACOM S.A.: Operator for Paging and Mobile Radiotrunking Services
In 1982 Instacom S.A. is created for Paging and Radiotrunking with notional coverage and Motorola last generation technology.
Instacom becomes into main company of these services with the highest coverage and market share. Instacom S.A. is sold in 1995 to the Grupo Telefónico de España (Telephone Group of Spain), who integrates this unit into the mobile communications companies of CTC Chile, where it will strongly develop the cell phone business.

CVC: Video Communication Center
CVC, the first producer in Chile with color TV studio equipment is created in 1978 at the time of NTSC standard release. CVC stands out for its innovative character, introducing the last technologies for the generation of programs, documentaries, and commercials for producers, advertising agencies and companies in general. CVC was the first local producer introducing electronic animation.
In 1989 CVC is sold after 12 years of operation to focus in the supply of solutions for TV channels beginning to develop due to the opening of Private TV starting 1989.

Teknos has participated actively in the development of Chile’s television. From 1975 through 1980, it designs and manufactures more than 40 repeater stations to expand the TV networks of national coverage for TV Nacional and TV Universidad Católica.
In 1978, upon approval of color TV, and during the decades of the eighties and the nineties, Teknos leads the introduction of new technologies of electronic recording, editing and animating, furnishing equipment to all TV channels, specially to Megavisión and Chilevisión, who enter the market upon opening of private TV.
Teknos keeps these lines of business until 2000.

TEKNOS-PANASONIC: Exclusive Distribution of Panasonic’s Professional Line
In 1975, Teknos-Panasonic Business Division is created for distribution of professional Panasonic products, manufactured by the Matsushita Group of Japan. This Division was the first company to market in Latin America the widest spectrum of Panasonic high technology products in the fields of fixed and mobile communications, audio, professional video and office equipment.

TEKNOS: Business Solutions Integrator
Teknos has been operating in Chile and the Region since 1975 as a significant participant on the company and corporative market, delivering its integrated offer of a complete spectrum of professional solutions and services in the areas of IT Convergent Infrastructure, Communications, Electronic and Information Security and Building Management.
To assure that its clients have access to the best and most advanced technologies, Teknos has held permanently Strategic Alliances with World Class companies, renowned as innovators and leaders, among them: HP, Microsoft; Ericson-Aastra and Schneider Electric.
Teknos S.A. is sold to the Acanto Group which integrates it to its operation of solution sales for Operators.
Alianzas TKNS
El desarrollo de las Empresas TKNS ha contado siempre con la colaboración de importantes socios y alianzas de todas partes del mundo, con quienes se mantiene activa una importante red de contactos disponibles para el desarrollo de futuros proyectos.